Onassis Cultural Center

Submitted by admin on Mon, 02/05/2024 - 22:27

Onassis Cultural Centre, part of the Onassis Foundation, is a cultural space hosting events and actions across the whole spectrum of the arts from theatre, dance, music, cinema and the visual arts to the written word, with an emphasis on contemporary cultural expression, on supporting Greek artists, on cultivating international collaborations and on educating children and people of all ages through life-long learning.

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Προκαθορισμένη Εικόνα Αυλαίας 16:9
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Αριθμός παλαιότερων μεταδόσεων
Αριθμός προσεχών μεταδόσεων
Περιγραφή Φορέα στην ιστοσελίδα Συνεργαζόμενων Φορέων

Onassis Cultural Centre, part of the Onassis Foundation, is a cultural space hosting events and actions across the whole spectrum of the arts from theatre, dance, music, cinema and the visual arts to the written word, with an emphasis on contemporary cultural expression, on supporting Greek artists, on cultivating international collaborations and on educating children and people of all ages through life-long learning.